Is it 'Kokoda Trail' or 'Kokoda Track'?

In 1958 the Commonwealth Battles Nomenclature Committee awarded the Battle Honour ‘Kokoda Trail’ to the Papuan Infantry Battalion and the 10 Australian battalions who fought in the Kokoda campaign.

In 12 October 1972 the PNG Government proclaimed the name ‘Kokoda Trail’ (PNG Government Gazette No. 88 of 12 October 1972, page 1362, column 2. Notice 1972/28 of the ‘PNG Place Names Committee’ refers).

The official term ‘Kokoda Trail’ was adopted by the Australian War Memorial and the Returned Services League of Australia and remains proudly emblazoned on the Regimental Colours of the battalions who fought for the honour.

After Prime Minister Paul Keating kissed the ground at Kokoda during his visit for the 50th anniversary of the Kokoda campaign in 1992 the term ‘Kokoda Track’ emerged as the politically correct term due to the linkage to of the term ‘Trail’ to America.

This overlooks the fact that America saved us from a Japanese onslaught in 1042.

One city-based journalist supported the politically correct term as he reported that ‘track was the language of the ‘Australian bush’. He was obviously unaware that the entire Australian continent is criss-crossed with ‘fire trails’.

Research on the issue can be viewed on this link: Official Name of the Kokoda Trail

Kokoda Trail Trek

Kokoda Trail Trek

Kokoda History Trek 8 days

Kokoda History Trek 8 days

Kokoda History Trek 9 days

Kokoda History Trek 9 days


Why Trek with Adventure Kokoda

Our primary goal is to lead you safely across the Kokoda Trail and ensure you have an unforgettable wartime historical and cultural experience.

Charlie has led 101 expeditions across the Kokoda Trail over the past 32 years.

He previously served in the Australian Army for 21 years. During this time he saw active service in Vietnam; was assigned to the joint Australian, New Zealand and British (ANZUK) Force in Singapore/ Malaysia from 1970-72, and as an exchange instructor in Airborne Logistics with the United States Army from 1977-78. He is a graduate of the Army Command and Staff College.

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